Steel with expertise.
Do you know the CSN Group's Code of Conduct?
The Code of Conduct is the document that defines the daily behavioural commitments to be assumed by the employees and executives of the CSN Group. These are basic principles that should guide our actions. The Code is intended for employees, executives, suppliers, customers, service providers, and other stakeholders. The document is available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and German.
Click here: https://www.csn.com.br/en/codes-of-conduct/
Do you know the CSN Group's Whistleblower Channel?
CSN has a specific whistleblower channel dedicated to safe communication among employees, clients, suppliers and other interested parties.
There, you can report conducts considered to be inadequate, that violate the current laws and/or that are against the ethical principles and the rules of the CSN Group's Code of Conduct.
We guarantee that every report is investigated with confidentiality, impartiality, preservation of anonymity and non-retaliation.
Reports can also made by phone:
Germany: 0800 1824363
Questions or other information about Compliance can be directed to:
For further information click here:
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