Steel with sustainability.
As a company with its roots in the locality we have committed ourselves to the principles of sustainable development. We preserve the natural surroundings for future generations by constantly improving environmentally relevant, economic and social conditions. This is the only way Stahlwerk Thüringen can implement a successful sustainable long term development. In terms of a sustainable company development we carry out the following measures:
- We transfer the metallurgical waste (slag) from the steel production as completely as possible back to economic and natural resource systems, possible following improvements to our treatment and processing techniques. So we now generate new product qualities which have opened up new markets. This also increases our reycling quota and saves valuable resources.
- Together with other German steel manufacturers we have developed, in “Bauforum Stahl”, a uniform environmental product declaration (EPD) according to ISO 14025 which describes the permissible environmental influences of the sectional steel and heavy plate products in Germany. Based on standardised criteria, steel can then be compared with other building materials, such as wood and concrete, enabling architects and investors to select the correct building material for sustainable and environmentally friendly buildings.
- Since 2009 we have been part of the “Nachhaltigkeitsabkommen Thüringen – NAThüringen” (Sustainability Agreement of Thuringia) promoting the company’s sustainability philosophy to a wider public.
- We support the Thuringian “Initiative for more recycling material in the structural and civil engineering sectors”.
- Stahlwerk Thüringen is a partner of various national and international research projects. Here we commit ourselves to basic and applied research.